

   Spoiler clearance: Reaper's Gale

   Letherii... gotta love 'em. It's a fantasy world, but not that much. Really. You've got your Mitt Romney running his Liberty Consign, and you've got Madoff over in Drene. There's a Dick Cheney right there in the palace, handling poor Rhulad. And you even have good old Joseph McCarthy in charge of the Patriotists. Sometimes you feel really at home.
   Sometimes, you also feel like throwing up. Hood's Breath, isn't that damn Empire something?


   Quote of the Month:

            Desire for goodness leads to earnestness. Earnestness in turn leads to sanctimonious self-righteousness, which breeds intolerance, upon which harsh judgment quickly follows, yielding dire punishment, inflicting general terror and paranoia, eventually culminating in revolt, leading to chaos, then dissolution, and thus, the end of civilization.

- Bauchelain