Spoiler clearance: Reaper’s Gale
Throatslitter is a nice surprise as one of
the new anchor-characters. I like to hear him think. He is cool and he is scary. Yan
Tovis is also much more developed now, which is great. I love that ‘Shake arc’
in there. Seren Pedac’s dialogue with Mockra (the Warren) is entirely
unexpected, and totally exciting. Wow! Captain Faradan Sort and Beak are an odd
match, but efficient nevertheless; Faradan Sort seems to always get stuck with
weird powerful teens like Sinn.
The Throne of Ice with Hood’s mortal body
sitting on it: that was a perfect scene. One of the most chilling scenes in this
book! Hood’s breath – his last breath.
And two lines found on page 573:
your dread enemy, Emroth.’
than you realize,’ the T’lan Imass replied.