
   Spoiler clearance: Toll the Hounds

   Epic battle inside K’rul’s Bar. Holy mother of a Kruppe! I just couldn’t resist the urge to draw myself a complete map of the whole thing – like in the good ol’ days of AD&D. So I read the entire scene again, and kept track of Picker’s movements, and Antsy’s, and so on and so forth…

   Just like every hand-drawn AD&D combat map, you look at it afterwards, and it’s one big undecipherable mess, but I still love it. Hood’s balls, what an insane fight! Thirty-three assassins (thirty-eight if you count those five decoy drunks that were in the bar already).
   Bluepearl was killed by one of the five drunk ‘nobles’.
   Mallet was killed by one of the eleven men from the corner room.
   Dying inside K’rul’s former temple – does it mean anything? Lemme think…