
   Spoiler clearance: not applicable

   During World War One, in 1915 to be exact, an engineer named Fiedler invented the flamethrower. Now, our own Fiddler didn’t invent Moranth munitions, but he sure was the first Malazan sapper to shoot cussers with a heavy crossbow!
   I am thinking. Causing explosive or fiery mayhem, more than eight yards away? Fiedler. Fiddler. Is it just a coincidence?


   Spoiler clearance: Toll the Hounds

   Nimander & Gang don armor and head for the center of Bastion in search of Clip and the Dying God. Reading in my favorite coffeeshop, that song is playing on the radio in the background:

   Anything Could Happen... Anything Could Happen... Anything Could Happen...

   Can’t wipe the smile off my face. Twenty-Year-Olds... Human or Tiste Andii.